Trippy Turkey Studios

Halo Revived: *Sketch* +10xp.

It's been a long Monday and Tuesday at TTS, but things are under control. I would like to discuss the fact that we are having a Concept Contest to see what the community would like to see in a Halo game. So far I haven't had any submissions but I need them to understand what people want exactly. If you are unable to submit anything please feel free to carry on an idea conversation with me via PM or email ([email protected]), or if you feel it necessary for everyone to see just simply comment.
I myself have been doing sketches not only because I have to for my modeler Kawrea to use to model, but also because I can show everyone what I myself am seeing. In the slideshow labeled "forerunner" is one of the first sketches I made. I use PSP9 to color it.

I don't have map pencils as you can see. Otherwise, I have a plan for what we should do. Below I have listed the steps of game progression in the order of which we should do them.

  1. Firefight Single-player
  2. Firefight Co-op
  3. Firefight Versus
  4. Multiplayer Slayer
  5. New versions will be released after initial multiplayer version that has new gametypes.
I hope the list above was clear. Anywho, we have Kawrea working on a worthog which you can see is shaping up in the slideshow below this post labeled "hog" .

Please give thanks to Kawrea for the help.

Think about everything today and give me your feedback. What should we do? What do we need? Just tell us and we will listen.